Tuesday, November 25, 2008

11/25 Forecast; No Rain, Better Tuesday

As we roll out another day before our Thanksgiving breaks (mine comes tomorrow!) the weather should be more doable then yesterday's wet and dreey day. The temperature won't get out of the upper 40's, but we should have mostly clear skies throughout the day, but what is keep our temps. down is the west wind we will see today. Come tomorrow however, it looks like we will get somewhat of a south wind and that will push our temps. back up to almost average for this time of year (upper 50's to low 60's). Your Thanksgiving day continue to looks dry and warmer, but on Black Friday I'm forecasting the chance at a passing shower or two for you holiday shoppers, but it shouldn't be enough rain to slow you down any.


MTWC said...

Happy Thanksgiving!
-Clay in Nashville

Charles Loring said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too Clay!